Thursday, May 21, 2009

8th Grade Project Editing

For my 8th grade project, I made a snowboarding video. After I had finished all the filming I had about two hours of raw footage to work with. I started working on my laptop with the program Windows Movie Maker. After I got pretty far with editing my video, I realized the program I was using did not have adjustable audio (I could not go from music to the audio from the camera). I decided to restart on the computer at school which had the program iMovie '08. After I got pretty far in that I realized that iMovie was unable to produce visual effects (like slow motion). Unfortunately olny iMovie '08 ( the one I was using) was the only iMovie that did not have slow motion. I then had to make the decision whether to use iMovie and not have slow motion, or use Movie Maker and not have audio going from music to audio from the camera. I decided to use Movie Maker. I spent the next few weeks choosing which jumps I was going to keep because my video was too long. After that, I had to re-arrange the order that the jumps and rails show in. I did this because if there were too many of the same jump or rail in a row, it did not look good. After I finished doing that, I had to put nice transitions inbetween each jump so it looked nice. I then went to re-arraning it again so it looked good with the music (which by the way took a really long time to pick out). Thoose were the main things I did when I was editing my snowboarding video.

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